Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Africa Experience - Tanzania - Day 9

July 4, 2014 - Happy 4th of July from Tanzania, Africa! 

We started off the morning as we always do…..we gathered on the single ladies porch for morning devotions.  Each morning, someone from our group led a devotion of their choosing.  We had signed up for a particular day prior to leaving for Africa.  This particular morning, we started with song….God Bless America and the Star Spangled Banner.  We continued with devotions.

I miss these mornings....sitting on the
porch, enjoying Africafe!
Good morning!

Pastor Jane and Pauline - African favorites, Safari jam and coffee

After breakfast, we divided into two groups.  It was work party day!  One group would clean and repair things around the compound starting with the millions of dead bugs in the light fixtures (Connor included).  The other group would start pickup up garbage around the compound and just outside the entrance gate (Brett, Toni and Kyler included).  A small group (John, Nick, Nathan) would dig a line for the pipe that was part of the renewable resources project.  Those of us picking up garbage collected some interesting things……deteriorating water bottles, caps to water bottles, rotting shoes, plastic liquor bags, candy wrappers, etc.  There were a few kids (the ones that joined us on an earlier hike) and Paulo and Jaqueline that helped us pick up garbage.  We worked until about 11:30 am. 

Kyler took the garbage away...Connor and Emily clean bugs out of
the light fixtures...Toni and her helpers...we had a lot of workers
that came to help...Konyagi (we found a lot of these laying
around....they are liquor packets similar to vodka)

dirty feet, but I was so happy to wear flip-flops

We were all gathered together because we had visitors.  The primary school students decided to visit and bring us gifts.  We all gathered in a circle.  We explained to the students that it was a day of independence celebrated in the United States.  We sang for them.  In return, they sang their national song.  Then each group of students presented gifts of vegetables and small trinkets to each of us that had worked with them.  They asked if they could help us with our work around the compound.  Most of the kids joined our group to pull weeds and clear the brush along the fence.  They were extremely hard workers.  We had so much fun with them….laughing and working together.

The students brought gifts which we enjoyed later on.

It's custom to touch the head of a young person as
a thank you....sharing hugs

The students were very hard workers.

These boys found an empty bottle and thought
they were so funny pretending they were drinking.

Playing games with the students

saying goodbye.....

Before they had to leave, we played a few games of soccer and Quack Diddly Oh So.  We game them all some pieces of hard candy and said our goodbyes.  I still miss their smiles and hope they all did well on their final tests. 

Lunch was rice and a sauce with chicken.  The afternoon was ours to enjoy.  I spent some time resting in the sun – it was a beautiful 80 degree day.  Brett, Kyler and Connor went for a hike down the revine Stephen had taken us on earlier in the week, except for they started where we ended and went further the other way.  Shortly into their hike, someone from above yelled at them.  Brett and the boys yelled ‘Jambo’ (hello) back to them, and then got a big surprise…..The person on the hillside above began throwing VERY LARGE rocks!  Fearing for the worst, Brett and the boys took off running back to the compound.  Later, we learned that there was a group of men making bootleg liquor and were worried that Brett and the boys were coming to find them.  All in all, it was a scary situation for the boys but they made it back safely. 

Before dinner, I enjoyed my FIRST HOT SHOWER since we arrived in Africa!!!  I had been showering in the evening, but it was always cold and not pleasant!  My hot shower was a quick one, but it was soooooo nice! 

Paolo and Jacqueline came to say Hi


Jacqueline, Connor, Paolo

beautiful sunset on our last night in OS

We enjoyed sausage gravy and rice for dinner.  May I remind you that we have eaten rice every day.  Thank goodness I like rice!  We also had beans in a sauce.  Following dinner, we presented Pauline with the gifts we had brought for her.  Over the last 8 day, we had made friends with Pauline, and we were all very sad to say goodbye. 

We presented scarves to the women who cooked for us.

The women gave gifts....Shukas for Pastor Jane, Mama Jean, and Connor
(since he was the youngest)....we gave Pauline gifts for herself and for the


Pauline was so wonderful to us!  She is beautiful inside and out!  We miss her!



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