Thursday, March 29, 2012

NUKU HIVA – Day Seven, Feb. 25, 2005

Nuku Hiva is the largest island in the Marquesas Archipelago, and it is the administrative and economic capitol.  It is 127 square miles with over 2,100 inhabitants. 

Arriving in Nuku Hiva - Trina, Allen, Karen, Brett, Toni

This was my favorite of the Marquesas Islands.  We were greeted by the locals with song.  We had booked a tour (on our own) with Jocelyne’s Tours.  Jocelyne greeted us with fragrant handmade leis.   She had a large 4x4 vehicle that would take us all around the island.  There were six of us in our group, and the tour cost $92 each for the six hours.  The only way to travel over the top of the island to the other side is by 4x4.  At time, we traveled on a very bumpy dirt road, and we bounced from side to side! 

Jocelyne - eating at Chez Yvonne - Hatiheu Bay

As we explored, we made many stops to see the wild flowers, bananas, noni fruit, avocados, archeological sites (Hikokua and Kamuihei), waterfalls and views.  We stopped for lunch at Hatihea Bay.  Hatihea Bay was a favorite spot for Robert Louis Stevenson.  For lunch, we enjoyed fresh fruit at Chez Yvonne, and it cost us $6 each. 

Noni Fruit - waterfall near Taipivai - Hatihea Bay

Many of the residents live in Taipivai.  We stopped there to visit a large Catholic church filled with wood carvings.  We also drove the narrow path to the Plateau De Toovii to view the Taiohae Bay. 

'Poweder' tatoo - Spires - Church in Hatiheu Bay

another waterfall near Taipivai - Brett picking flowers - old missionary grave sites

Taipivai (most fertile valley) - Taiohae Bay - Notre Dame Cathedral

I am a huge Survivor fan.  Survivor Marquesas took place on Nuku Hiva!  The Rotu and Maraamu (and merged Soliantu) tribes were spread out around the island.  The production camp was in Taiohae Bay.  We were able to see the areas of the Rotu Tribe and the Maraamu Tribe and the jury camp and challenge beach! 

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