Saturn V Rocket |
Rocket Park |
The NASA Space Center in Houston is rated the #1 visitor attraction. Plan to spend at least half the day at the Space Center. We arrived shortly after it opened. You can buy your tickets online and save $5, or do a search and find a $5 discount coupon to print out. The first thing I suggest is to get in line for the tram tour. Hopefully the wait will be short. We only had to wait 10 minutes to board the tram. Because we went the day after Thanksgiving, they were expecting big crowds. They changed the tours slightly. Usually both tours go to the same place, just alternating the order the tram stops. In our case, one tour went to the astronaut training center for the space station and Saturn V Rocket and Rocket Park. The regular tour also includes the historic Apollo Mission Control Center.
There are many other attractions worth seeing. In the Space Center Theater, you learn about past and presents strides in space explorations. We learned a lot about the space station. Before you enter the Theater, you stand in the Blast Off Theater and feel of a space launch. When you enter the Starship Gallery, you watch a video called “On Human Destiny”. You then proceed into the Gallery where artifacts and hardware are displayed.
The Boys stand in front of the podium where President Kennedy gave
a speech recognizing the Space Program |
Moon Rocks |
There are many other attractions to enjoy. We highly recommend the
NASA Space Center if you visit Houston Texas.
Apollo 17 Command Module |
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