Monday, October 6, 2014

Africa Experience - Tanzania - Day 5

June 30, 2014.....Off to School

Breakfast time!
After breakfast, it was time to go to school!   We would spend the day at the Oldonyowa Primary School.   Most of the children were on break, but some of the students were there to study and prepare for upcoming exams.  The students we met were comparable to 7th graders in the states.  We had divided ourselves into groups earlier in the morning.   We prepared materials for working on the students' English and geography.  

A beautiful view of Mt Meru and the church in the background

We had about a 15 minute walk from our compound to the school, down the dusty path through the cornfields, opposite direction of the church.   We met the director of the school and presented them with gifts....cases of notebooks and chalk.  We also gave them some soccer balls, ball pumps, jump ropes, flashcards, and a few other things.  

Our group at the school
meeting the students
The old school is in the photo above.....pieces of the
metal sides were used on the roof of the
new buildings (bottom photo).


The students were very shy but polite.   A few selected students spoke, and said a little about their class.   The students practiced their numbers and counted off to be put into groups.  Each group had about 7 or 8 students.  Our group had 7....Leah, Godseth, Anna, Israel, Edward, Entioth, and Janeth.   Michelle and I were paired together.  We found that our group did better if we wrote the questions on the chalkboard for them to read.   We used their English book to come up with some of the things to work on with them.  We focused on he/his, she/her, their/there, numbers, colors, possession, just to name a few.  

colobus monkey
We headed back to the compound for lunch.   Stephan (manager of the property) offered to take us for a hike in the afternoon.   There was a ravine that ran up the side of the property, and we would hike up the ravine for an hour or two.   As we started off, we came across a dead colobus monkey.  They are a rare breed of monkey, and it was unusual to see one there.  There was nothing obvious wrong with it.
The kids were fascinated
with seeing their own

Along our walk, Stephan pointed out some interesting sights.....plants, birds, limestone, etc.  We saw some skeletal remains from a cow.....they often fall off the hillside into the ravine, break their neck and are left to die.  Some young boys that live nearby joined us along the way.  They were fascinated with seeing their pictures on our cameras.  

carvings in the limestone

the ravine

weaver bird nest

At the end of the hike, Stephan showed us their renewable resources and how they are using the cow poop and cow urine to produce gas/fuel to power the stove in the kitchen.  They collect the urine, by allowing it to run off and drain into a collective area.  Cow poop is scooped into the collective area and over time, a gas is produced.  The gas is run through piping and used to fuel the stove.   It's a huge cost savings to the compound and they are working on improvements and expanding the project.  

Mt Meru

Mt Kilimanjaro

wild poinsettia

The boys (Kyler, Connor and Nathan) were invited to practice soccer with some of the local boys.  One of the soccer coaches was a caretaker and lived on the compound.   The soccer field was normal size and had goal posts but no nets.  It was dry grass, and VERY dusty and dirty.  The boys all wore cleats, but some of the younger boys that came to practice on the side had tennis shoes or no shoes at all.   Our boys really enjoyed getting to know the players.

dirty feet


After the practice, some of us did laundry, and I took my first hot shower.  I had been showering, but they were either cold showers or barely warm!  Dinner was very good.....we had chapati (homemade tortillas, yum!) and beans.  We gathered in John and Laurie's room for a fire and our nightly recap.  It was a very good day....rewarding time spent with the students (I can still see their shy, smiling faces), a beautiful hike, relaxing time in the afternoon, soccer, a delicious meal, and together time to reflect on the day!

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